Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Ruin Buttermilk

Standardization of bulk product tend to sacrifice quality and style for the rough equivalent. This crystal rectifier to the mass market and tasteless product.

Buttermilk is that the liquid left over once churning butter. This product is soft and natural civilized long in style drink rural America isn't any completely different from food drinks. within the South, the milk corn bread could be a classic ruined dinner. it's still employed in cookery biscuits, pancakes and dressing ... or a minimum of most assume it's still in use. it's then thickened with carrageenin (seaweed extract) or algarroba bean gum to form the over-thickened acidic product marketed as "buttermilk."

Buttermilk authentic altogether completely different. It is milk, defatted light-weight tart and wealthy with flavor to a small degree butter. however there's a healthy reaction to the quality milk. The big apple Times reports that some Americans are rediscovering the initial lemony flavor of milk. little specialised dairy farm corporations began to provide and market the $64000 factor. edifice homeowners and chefs use real milk to grant spirit and nice flavors to their menus. it's time to come back to the discriminatory possibility for quality and genuineness. we tend to declare that the mass standardization that characterizes most of the present production, we've got lost one thing as vital because the cream that was accustomed create real milk. that's why we tend to assert that we've got tainted product and our culture and that we currently ought to recover the authentic spirit of each.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Early Copper Stills

Distillation is a technique that allows you to separate mixtures as according to volatility component difference within a mixture of boiling liquid.

Distillation is a process of physically separating units and is not in any way a chemical reaction. Distillation as a commercial process or using copper stills has a slew of applications. For one it is utilized to separate crude oil into specific fractions for various uses. Water for instance is distilled in order to remove any of its impurities.

As an example seawater is separated from salt. Air is also distilled to separate oxygen argon and nitrogen for industrial purposes. The process of fermenting distilled solutions has long been used in ancient times in order to create distilled beverages with a high alcohol content.

The history of distillation

The initial evidence of the distillation process or an early form of copper stills was seen from alchemists in Ancient Greece during the 1st century AD in Alexandria. Also distilled water has long been in existence since c. 200 when the process was described by Alexander of Aphrodisias.

Arabs later learned the distillation process using copper stills from Egyptians who used distillation extensively in their experiments. During the 12th century a solid evidence of alcohol distillation or an early form of a whiskey still was seen from the School of Salermo.

Meanwhile the 13th century is where Tadeo Alderotti developed fractional distillation. In the 1500's Hieronymus Braunschweig - a German alchemist - published The Book of the Art of Distillation Liber de arte destillandi. It is considered as the first discovered book exclusively dedicated to the topic of distillation. This was followed by an expanded version published in 1512.

Early types of distillation involved batch processes via a single vaporization and condensation. Purity was further improved through distilling the condensate. More volume was processed through repetition. Chemists were said to produce more than 500 distillations to acquire a pure compound.

During the 19th century, modern techniques involved reflux and pre-heating. In the year 1830, a patent was given to Aeneas Coffey by the British for a whiskey column. This has been said to be the archetype of petrochemical modern units.

Ernest Solvay gave a US Patent in 1877 for an ammonia tray column. The following years saw the same development in making spirits.

All in all, the process of distillation has essentially remained the same. Similarly, the need for humans for distilled spirits will never be quenched.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Organic Pizza Can Be A Non-Sinful Dish

Eating pizza is tantamount to eating unhealthy food. This is full of ingredients that are considered to be unhealthy. You have lots of fats and carbohydrates. Eating a slice of pizza will provide your body with too many calories that when unburned will result to weight gain. This is no longer true today, if you are aware of the availability of organic pizza. A pizza can be healthy; this would depend on your ingredients and how these are made and used

Whenever you think of eating pizza, you will think of this as eating unhealthy food. This is full of ingredients that are contra to good health. You have lots of fats and carbohydrates. Eating a slice of pizza will provide your body with too many calories that when unburned will result to weight gain. This is no longer true today, if you are aware of the availability of organic pizza.

A pizza can be healthy; this would depend on your ingredients and how these are made and used. This though is not available in any kind of pizza restaurant. You have to go to a pizza parlor that uses only organic ingredients. And there are plenty of these kinds of establishments today.

Many people had become health conscious. This is the key why they shifted to eating organic products only. And because of the healthy ingredients in an organic pizza, ingesting this otherwise sinful food had become a healthy kind.

The healthy pizza that you might be looking for has different kinds of ingredients. For a pizza, you will need the crust, the toppings and the cheese. You know that cheese is loaded with calories and can add to the sinfulness of this food. Try to discern what kinds of cheese could be used. But before we have the top ingredients, let us start with the base which is the crust. This will be about the dough. Your pizza should consist of gluten-free dough. In the beginning, you might find the taste of gluten-free dough horrible. But then, since you want to eat healthy, the taste of the gluten-free becomes tolerable due to some additional ingredients. The pizza maker can add sea salt, light brown sugar, olive oil and rice vinegar in order to cover the gluten taste of the flour. To lessen the effect of the taste of your crust, you can opt for the thin instead of the thick crust.

Then the next ingredients will be about the pizza sauce. The sauce is basically tomatoes and organic tomatoes are very plentiful now. They are available in various farmer-inspired markets. To the organic tomatoes, you can add fresh herbs or garlic to give flavor to the sauce. You can opt to have the tomatoes cut in bigger pieces instead of crushed to give the sauce a chunky texture.

The toppings which are meat and vegetables should also be organic. Even the meat can be organic because these animals are fed with purely organic foods. The bell peppers, pineapple mushroom and other vegetables are also raised organically.

As for the cheese, you can have goat or mozzarella kinds. The versions that use skim milk do not have fats and this is the kind that is very healthy. Without the fats, you can indulge in a pizza topped with generous amount of fat-free cheese.

With this information, you can start scouting for pizza parlors that offer organic kinds. The internet can show you the places in your locality. Log on and ask what ingredients they really use.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Top 10 Food Safety Tips During Hurricane Sandy

In the midst of Hurricane Sandy, the East Coast is slightly panicky about the situation there. Most of the establishments and stores are closed and have been evacuated, streets starting to flood, construction sites are smashed through, Wallstreet has been shut and will resume trading tomorrow, and more than 7,000 flights are cancelled because of the mega-storm.

Food is one of the major concerns in times like this. According to LATimes.com, "We encourage residents in the projected path of the storm to include an appliance thermometer, coolers, and dry ice on their Hurricane Sandy preparation checklists," said Elisabeth Hagen, USDA Undersecretary for Food Safety. "As a last resort for food safety, when in doubt, throw it out."

The question is, did you make all the necessary preparations before the Sandy hit? Well if not here's some of the essential food safety tips you need to do and include in your checklist:

1. Stock up food, canned goods and instant foods in your shelves. Before a storm hits, make sure you've stocked up enough food in your shelves and fridge. Most of the stores and other establishments tend to close when a mega-storm like Sandy hits.

2. Keep your foods on the shelves and not on the ground. Make sure that you put your foods on the shelves or in the fridge. In case of flooding, your foods wouldn't be contaminated by dirty flood water.

3. Keep perishable foods cold. A fridge can hold up cold for your food for as long as 4 hours (as long as the door is closed) while a full freezer can hold up for 48 hours.

4. Use an ice box to store your food in case of power outage. In case you don't have a full freezer an ice box or any clean large containers that can seal cold with ice will keep your food cold.

5. Have a appliance thermometer. This is to ensure that you know how cold your appliances like your fridge or freezer is when there is a power outage.

6. Buy or make ice. This is to make sure that you have enough tools to make your food as cold as it can be until the power returns. Make sure that your ice box has its own ice.

7. Wash your hands before and after you touch food. This is to ensure we eliminate any possibilities of cross-contamination and prevent foodborne-illnesses to spread.

8. Before preparing food, make sure that all utensils and surroundings is clean. Make sure that everything is clean before using it when cutting or placing food. Kitchen counters, utensils, chopping board and others should be clean before placing any food in it.

9. Clean the food if necessary. Wash fruits and vegetables but don't wash meat, poultry and eggs says the FDA. This is to prevent the spread of foodborne viruses.

10. Cook the food properly. Make sure that you properly cook the food with the FDA's recommended temperature and minutes of cooking. You can also check the FDA website to know when to throw away your food.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

How To Keep Your Home Food Safe?

Foodborne illnesses spread because of mishandled food. Most people use their noses to know if the food is still safe to consume. But the problem there is that not all food can be safe with that process. The bacteria survive in many places. Places like the kitchen, table, your hands and even in your utensils and cutting board. Much faster than a wild fire, foodborne illnesses are a threat to your family's health.

Here are some easy steps that you can do to prevent spreading foodborne illnesses such as E.coli, salmonella, listeria, campylobacter and many more recommended by the foodsafety.gov website:


    Cleaning ourselves before handling food. For 20 seconds, wash your hands with soap and running water. This can stop the spread of foodborne illness-causing bacteria.
    Cleaning our surroundings. After each use, wash utensils and surfaces. Bacteria can be spread though this kitchen tools.
    Cleaning the food. Wash fruits and veggies but not meat, poultry, or eggs! Did you know that even if you plan to peel fruits and veggies it's important to wash them first because bacteria can spread from the outside to the inside as you cut or peel them?


    Separate poultry, meat, eggs and seafood in plates or cutting boards. Make sure that you don't cross contaminate the ready-to-eat foods with the raw meat, poultry, eggs and seafoods which can spread harmful bacteria.
    Separate poultry, meat, eggs and seafood in your grocery bag. When doing your groceries make sure that you separate the poultry, meat, eggs and seafood to avoid cross-contaminating the other foods.
    Separate poultry, meat, eggs and seafood in the fridge. Same with the first two tips, separate the said things in the fridge.


    Bacteria that cause food poisoning can quickly spread in multiply quickest in the "Danger Zone" between 40 and 140 Fahrenheit.
    Using Food Thermometer. Using food thermometer will help you know if your food is cooked to a level where the temperature can kill harmful bacteria.
    Keep Food Hot after Cooking at 140 F or above. Bacteria can still thrive to survive even after cooking. By using a heat source like a chafing dish, warming tray, or slow cooker, you can maintain the heat of 140 F.
    Microwave food thoroughly (to 165 F).


    Within two hours, refrigerate perishable foods. Cold temperatures slow the growth of illness causing bacteria.
    Never thaw or marinate foods on the counter. Since bacteria can multiply rapidly at room temperature, thawing or marinating foods on the counter is one of the riskiest things you can do when preparing food for your family.
    Know when to throw food out. Smelling the food is quite handy in times if you're not really sure of when to throw it out.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Delicious Food for Special Occasions

History speaks about traditional styles of ceremonies and the work involved in it. But changing time changes everything. Now for every occasion there is a special way of preparation. Each event is special and demands a special treatment, which can be remembered for years to come. Food is the most attention grabbing element of each event, you cannot have a complete occasion without mouthwatering delicacies. Today, people have many parties and events for various reasons; all such parties have delicious food for the guests. For all such events non-vegetarian and vegetarian caterers are always in demand.

Most of the people wish to make their events talk of the town and that is possible when they serve some hot and delicious dishes. Observing the popularity of vegetarian food, many catering services make sure that they serve pure and delicious vegetarian and Jain food. There is a variety of vegetarian food, which is delicious as well as, healthy. Those who follow strict vegetarianism are always worried about the quality of outside food. Many caterers serve both non-vegetarian and vegetarian food but often the quality creates doubts in the minds of customers. Only the best vegetarian caterers are selected so that the food served is relished perfectly without any doubts. When served food gives guarantee of quality and taste then people relish it more and praise the organizer of the event. Indian cuisines have always been favourite of many. Along with taste Indian food also provides much nutritive value. Some of the ingredients used in Indian dishes are extremely good for health. Popularity of Indian food is easily noticed in event organized these days.

Caterers are recently adding Indian food in their online food service menu. As Indian food are rich in nutritional values and taste. Indian diet is also high in pulses. Due to its high nutritional values it reduces the effects of many small and major health issues. Turmeric which is the primary ingredient of Indian food contributes to a better health. Indian food is also low in calories which also contribute in keeping you fit and boost your immune system. In most of the functions caterers are hired who prepare their cooking base at the venue which accumulate a lots of the venue space where as ordering from online caterers they prepare the food at their place and deliver to the venue. People look for caterers who deliver tasty and healthy food at affordable price range.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Five Foods That Are Good For Your Skin

With such hectic lifestyles we lead each day we can neglect the care for our skin and this can have a deeper effect later on. As skin care we are dependent on countless number of products such as creams, masks and moisturizers. However, making a little effort to ensure that you are eating the right foods can help you achieve beautiful and healthier looking skin. Here are five foods that are good for the skin.

1. Carrots

Carrots are a good source of vitamin A and this can do wonders for your skin. Vitamin A prevents the overproduction of the outer layer of the skin. This means there are less dead cells that can clog the pores. Lack of this vitamin can give rise to dry skin. It also decreases the production of cancer cells of the skin.

2. Berries

Whether it is blueberries, raspberries, strawberries or any other choice, berries should be incorporated in your diet as they contain antioxidants. These help repair of any damage caused to the skin. It prevents the oxidation of free radicals and prevents the process of ageing quickly. Antioxidants prevent formation of age spots (harmless brown or black spots) caused by excess melanin production due to sun exposure.

3. Oily Fish

Oily fish such as tuna and salmon are packed with essential omega-3 fatty acids. Eating oily fish helps promote cell membranes and prevents damage of the skin. It also retains the skin's moisture and gives it the surface area. Having oily fish in your diet two to three times per week can help reduce ageing of the skin and dry skin.

4. Olive Oil

Olive oil is one of the healthy oils used typically in Mediterranean cuisine. This is a natural moisturizer and keeps the skin lubricated. These oils are prepared by pressing and this retains the essential nutrients needed unlike commercial oils. Adding two tablespoons to your cooking can have benefits of preventing dry skin and reducing wrinkles.

5. Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts contain the mineral selenium. This nutrient plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy skin. Selenium preserves elasticin which a protein that smooths and tightens the skin. Selenium does not have to be consumed in large amounts. An average person needs about 400 micrograms per day. It can also help the skin by preventing certain cancers. A few Brazil nuts a day can help you maintain a healthy skin.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Gelato Is Not Just Italian Ice Cream

As it grows in popularity, gelato ice cream shops are starting to crop up everywhere. Those unfamiliar with the treat are often enticed by the description of both the ingredients and the taste. Originating in Italy, this concoction comes in a variety of different flavors, including some with fruit puree. In the United States, the name is often synonymous with another traditional cold, sweet treat, but there are some real differences between the two.


It's hard to believe the Ancient Romans and Egyptians were some of the first to enjoy gelato ice cream. It started out as now and was preserved underground. From there, a Florentine architect was given official credit for the discovery with Catherine de' Medici having brought the treat over to France. At this time, it was considered real innovation to be able to keep the dessert cold. Unfortunately, it would not be until the 1920's and 30's that majority of people in Italy were able to experience the taste.


In its basic form, gelato ice cream is made up of milk, cream, different sugars and some type of flavoring. Nut or fruit purees are used with custard-based versions using egg yolks and non-fat milk. While today the egg yolk is used less often, it is still an integral ingredient for those that use more traditional methods. Compared to some of the other similar products in the United States, this special blend contains more sugar and less air. Most would agree that the texture is much softer. When no milk or soymilk is used, the treat is called sorbetto.

How It's Made

Much like traditional frozen treats, gelato ice cream begins with a hot process. The sugars need to dissolve in order to get the texture just right. From there, a pasteurizing process begins, and then different recipes and different flavors begin to take shape. Different techniques are used to create different tastes. It is only semi-frozen and therefore tends to melt faster than similar desserts.

Once the gelato ice cream is ready, it is served to customers or guests. Instead of using a metal scoop, the texture is usually soft making it easy to use something like a spatula. It is possible to shape and mold the dessert, and it isn't unusual to find something like a cookie, a biscuit or even a small waffle sticking out of the top.

Regardless of its name, what it includes, or how it is made, if you have not had an opportunity to try out this delectable dessert, make it a point to seek out a local shop in your area. Don't just assume that it is just another version of a frozen treat. This is something you must try out to truly understand the difference.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Caterers Usually Offer More Than Food

If you are thinking about using caterers for your next event, you should know they often provide more than just food. There are usually some extras you can get when you hire a company that caters. Get to know some of the possibilities before the next event you host.

Many caterers can supply the furniture you will need. After all, they know you are going to be eating, which usually requires tables and chairs. Just find out which sizes are available and how many you can rent. In most cases, the employees will set it all up, and you may be able to also rent linens, such as tablecloths and chair covers. You should find out which colors and patterns are available if you have a particular theme in mind.

Some caterers can also act as bartenders, as long as they have a liquor license. You should first find out what kind of liquor license it is, since some can only serve beer and wine while others can serve any kind of alcohol. You should then find out if the company you have chosen can also provide all the alcohol, mixers, cups, and ice. Of course, some companies allow you to supply it all yourself, which can often be cheaper but less convenient for you. Either way, you will have a licensed bartender ready to prepare all the drinks for your guests.

There are some companies that provide more than just food and the related basics. You may be able to find local caterers willing to meet all of your event needs. For example, some contract with photographers, DJs, and venue owners so you can get it all through one company. They might even offer a discounted rate when you go through their preferred vendors, so be sure to ask the catering company you have chosen if they know professionals who can offer all the other things you need. If you choose a particularly talented business, you might be able to find one with employers who can do it all, rather than using recommended contractors.

The more services you can get from one place, the faster the planning process will be in most cases. This is why you should simply ask your caterer what other services are available at an additional price. You might be pleasantly surprised to find you can get everything you need in one place, or you might at least get a list of recommended vendors so you end up with high quality results.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Growing Apple Trees for Firewood

any people think of apple trees as only having one purpose, which is of course, to produce apples for out eating enjoyment but apple trees have other uses. One of those uses is as firewood. If you have a wood stove or fireplace, you know that certain kinds of wood are better for burning. The kinds of wood that are better for generating heat are dense woods that are rated high in BTUs. Firewood is rated for its Heat Content by MBTUs or Million British Thermal Units and Pounds of Weight per dry cord of wood. One of the densest woods out there is Osage Orange; it's MBTU rate for 1 cord is ~ 30 MBTU. White Oak, another popular hardwood used for firewood, is rated at around 28 MBTUs and Pine, a light softwood, is rated around 15 or 20 MBTU. The wood of apple trees falls right around the 25 MBTU range for 1 cord of dried wood.

So by these numbers you can see that apple wood is a dense word which contains a lot of energy that can be released when burned properly in a wood stove. Another feature of apple wood is that it is very fragrant when burned. This makes it an enjoyable wood to burn because the smoke isn't as unpleasant or acrid as it can be with some other woods. Since it is so fragrant, apple wood is also commonly used to make natural incense and to smoke meats. If you have a smoker at home, apple wood would be a great source of smoke. The burned wood also makes a dense hardwood charcoal which can also be used for smoking or outdoor BBQ. Now that you are sold are growing apple trees for both fruit and wood, I bet you are asking yourself what kind of apple trees you should be growing.

Well, you may have to grow a few different kinds of apple trees to meet all of your needs. If you prefer a particular apple variety for eating, then by all means, grow that variety. You will probably not be able or not want to harvest a lot of wood from your eating apple trees. You will of course want to prune them and can always collect sticks and branches that it will drop. These would be great for smoking or fragrance when dried but to really use an apple tree you firewood, you will have to grow a tree to maturity and harvest the entire tree. The most practical way of doing this is finding a type of apple tree that is very fast growing. Red Delicious, one of more common eating apples out there, is known to be a fairly fast growing tree. When choosing a type of tree for firewood it is important to select the semi-dwarf or standard variety of apple. You would not want to select the dwarf variety as they will produce very little wood for you. It will take years for the tree to mature to a size where it can be harvested but if you plant a crop every year after the first planting, once the first crop is ready to be harvested, you can harvest another crop each year after that. This way you will have an unlimited source of apple wood heat for your home.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

How to Make Your Christmas Dinner Gluten Free

Christmas, as they say, is a time for giving, a time for sharing and generally eating a lot of food, and drinking some fine wine. But if you have special dietary requirements, such as coeliac disease, which means that you have a reaction to foods containing gluten, the holiday can seem a little more difficult to enjoy. After all, what do you eat? What do you drink? And how can you have Christmas dinner without having a bad reaction to it? Here are some ideas.

Sort Out Some Gluten-Free Recipes
While this may sound like fairly obvious advice, sorting through your recipe books and selecting some tasty recipes for meals that you can eat on Christmas Day is absolutely paramount to making sure you will enjoy your meal. Once you have selected a few recipes, make sure you have the ingredients for them well in advance of the 25th, as the shops will be closed for the Christmas holidays during that time, and missing a vital ingredient could mean wasting a much wanted meal.

Know Where Your Dining
Again, this may sound obvious, as most people will be eating their Christmas Dinner with friends or family on the big day. However, firming up your arrangements in advance will mean that you will know whether you are going to be doing the cooking or if someone else is. Once you know where you'll be having Christmas Dinner, the easier it will be to prepare food for yourself and put it to one side in your own home, or prepare something for yourself and take it to a friend or relatives house. You could also buy gluten-free ingredients and offer to help the host with your meal, which they will probably appreciate.

Have a Support Network
If you have coeliac disease, or if someone who does is coming round to your home on Christmas Day, then sometimes the best advice to get is from other people with the disease, as they will have a wealth of tips, tricks and advice to help you prepare the Christmas meal. Join an online forum or two and see what advice other sufferers have for the big day, such as how to prepare and store food and how to keep it apart from foods that contain gluten.

While it's become so much easier for sufferers of coeliac disease to eat the kind of foods that they need to, certain social occasions, such as Christmas Day, can prove to be challenging for the coeliac sufferer. However, it's important to define the difference between challenging and impossible, because this condition can actually open up lots of different opportunities to try out gluten free recipes and foods, and to experiment with cooking.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Food, Wine and Health

Wine is food. Served as a part of the meal for centuries, it enhances the appetite. It cleanses the palate so that each bite of food is tasted fresh and anew. The flavors and aromas in wine pair up with foods, creating new flavor hybrids. Wine aids in digestion. The goal here is to give you the information you need to expertly match a wine with its best food.

-You don't need to follow any rules. There is nothing wrong with flying in the face of conventional wisdom and pairing a California Chardonnay with a grilled rib-eye steak or having a bottle of Barossa Shiraz with oysters. If the combination makes you happy, then it works for you. On the other hand, anyone who spends hours fussing over the spices and herbs in a nice dinner will likely care about finding a wine that enhances the food and vice versa. The key is to find a combination that accomplishes two goals. First, neither food nor wine should overpower the flavors or aromas of the other. And second, a bite of one and a sip of the other should make you want to go through the cycle again. As long as you follow those principles, everything should work out fine.

-Learning to pair food and wine is too complex to be summed up in a simple phrase. A sensory evaluation of food and wine involves aromas, tasters, weight, density, and mouth feel, and those characteristics can yield hundreds of permutations, some quite unpredictable. White Pinot Gris from Alsace goes well with their local pork stew, while Oregon salmon works well with Oregon's red Pinot Noir. The best rule is to try not only some established combinations but also try nontraditional ones that appeal to you.

-Champagne is the most versatile of all wines. It is delightful with raw foods from hamachi sashimi to steak tartare and cooked foods from baked oysters to sautéed foie gras. Champagne has three secret weapons. First the carbonation acts like millions of tiny scrubbing bubbles to cleanse your palate. Then it's refreshing acidity works with the carbonation to make each taste as rousing as the first acts like a spritz of lemon juice on raw oysters. Finally, since Champagne is available in different textures and levels of sweetness, you can even fine-tune the pairing. The most common levels of sweetness made in Champagne, with each consecutively sweeter, are Brut, Extra Dry, and Demi Sec. The next entry features foods that are ideal matches with Champagne and sparkling wines. There is no more versatile wine to make a dinner perfect then a well made sparkling wine. For foods as delicate as oysters all the way to a grilled steak, a perfect sparkling wine awaits the chance to be paired with your cuisine.

-Whether you're trying to find a wine for a dish or a recipe for a wine, think of its country and region of origin. What do the local residents eat and drink? Want a Pinot Noir? In Oregon, salmon is the most popular fish, and the most popular wine is Pinot Noir. Try them together.