Saturday, October 6, 2012

How To Keep Your Home Food Safe?

Foodborne illnesses spread because of mishandled food. Most people use their noses to know if the food is still safe to consume. But the problem there is that not all food can be safe with that process. The bacteria survive in many places. Places like the kitchen, table, your hands and even in your utensils and cutting board. Much faster than a wild fire, foodborne illnesses are a threat to your family's health.

Here are some easy steps that you can do to prevent spreading foodborne illnesses such as E.coli, salmonella, listeria, campylobacter and many more recommended by the website:


    Cleaning ourselves before handling food. For 20 seconds, wash your hands with soap and running water. This can stop the spread of foodborne illness-causing bacteria.
    Cleaning our surroundings. After each use, wash utensils and surfaces. Bacteria can be spread though this kitchen tools.
    Cleaning the food. Wash fruits and veggies but not meat, poultry, or eggs! Did you know that even if you plan to peel fruits and veggies it's important to wash them first because bacteria can spread from the outside to the inside as you cut or peel them?


    Separate poultry, meat, eggs and seafood in plates or cutting boards. Make sure that you don't cross contaminate the ready-to-eat foods with the raw meat, poultry, eggs and seafoods which can spread harmful bacteria.
    Separate poultry, meat, eggs and seafood in your grocery bag. When doing your groceries make sure that you separate the poultry, meat, eggs and seafood to avoid cross-contaminating the other foods.
    Separate poultry, meat, eggs and seafood in the fridge. Same with the first two tips, separate the said things in the fridge.


    Bacteria that cause food poisoning can quickly spread in multiply quickest in the "Danger Zone" between 40 and 140 Fahrenheit.
    Using Food Thermometer. Using food thermometer will help you know if your food is cooked to a level where the temperature can kill harmful bacteria.
    Keep Food Hot after Cooking at 140 F or above. Bacteria can still thrive to survive even after cooking. By using a heat source like a chafing dish, warming tray, or slow cooker, you can maintain the heat of 140 F.
    Microwave food thoroughly (to 165 F).


    Within two hours, refrigerate perishable foods. Cold temperatures slow the growth of illness causing bacteria.
    Never thaw or marinate foods on the counter. Since bacteria can multiply rapidly at room temperature, thawing or marinating foods on the counter is one of the riskiest things you can do when preparing food for your family.
    Know when to throw food out. Smelling the food is quite handy in times if you're not really sure of when to throw it out.

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